Last week, Mayor Durkan signed the 2019-2020 City Budget that was adopted this month by Seattle City Council. The budget includes new opportunities for Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, as well as a few reductions that we are addressing with staffing realignments and better program collaboration. Let me share the changes with you:
- 2020 Census: DON will be responsible for coordinating outreach for the 2020 Census. A position was added to do this work and to build awareness that participation is critical to ensure a fair and accurate count of community members. The position sunsets in 2020.
- Chinatown International District (CID) Community Engagement: DON will partner with the CID community to develop a community centered engagement plan that will identify key issues in the neighborhood and build strategies to address the community’s priorities.
- Historic Preservation Seed Funding: $250,000 was set aside in seed funding for acquisition of historic resources to help preserve these spaces.
- Your Voice, Your Choice (YVYC): A position was restored to support the YVYC participatory budgeting program which has provided community members the opportunity to decide how up to spend part of the City’s budget on parks and streets.
The department will also be engaged in other priorities of City Council and will be partnering with several City departments to ensure equitable outreach and engagement for projects in communities.
These are a few of the highlights reflected in the Mayor’s proposed budget, which can be viewed online at seattle.gov/financedepartment in the near future.
This department has a significant role in inclusive outreach and engagement. Our mission will continue to focus on building community, strengthening our vibrant neighborhoods, and engaging all voices in the conversation – your support and involvement is important to this vision.
Andrés Mantilla
Director, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods