Seeking proposals to support Duwamish River neighborhoods
For years, Duwamish River neighborhoods have been impacted by environmental injustices, including the Superfund clean-up occurring in and along the river. To support them, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is again seeking proposals to the Duwamish River Opportunity Fund (DROF) to help fund community-based projects that improve the quality of life for communities living in the Duwamish River Valley. The total amount of funding is $250,000.
Since 2014, the Duwamish River Opportunity Fund has granted more than $1.5 million to community projects focused on quality-of-life enhancements in the neighborhoods of South Park, Georgetown, and SODO. The fund is one component of a broader City effort to improve the quality of life and restore the health of Duwamish River communities.
Submit a Proposal
Proposals to the Duwamish River Opportunity Fund should address one or more of the following:
- Safe fishing or fish consumption
- Access to healthy food
- Environmental development or restoration
- Job training or economic development
- Community development
- Pedestrian safety
- Affordable housing strategies
- Healthy lifestyle
- Emerging issues (COVID-19, Homelessness, West Seattle Bridge closure)
To learn more and apply, visit seattle.gov/neighborhoods/programs-and-services/duwamish-river-opportunity-fund.
The deadline to apply is Monday, August 16 by 5pm.
Informational Workshops
Applicants are encouraged to attend a virtual workshop before applying. These workshops will review the application process and discuss the requirements for a good proposal. The workshops will be held:
Saturday, July 10 – 10:00am – 11:30am
Join Online: https://seattle.webex.com/seattle/j.php?MTID=mdbdd11f7ecd4911e46e9f48ac5e70f82
Join by phone:
+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 1878 98 5994
Tuesday, July 13 – 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Join Online: https://seattle.webex.com/seattle/j.php?MTID=m857ac4de079e51d6add8cc1f82310c61
Join by phone:
+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 1873 00 7617
If you would like to set up a one-on-one consultation or have questions, call 206-733-9916 or email DROF@seattle.gov.