The Seattle Redistricting Commission has opened a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant or consultant team with geographic information system (GIS) expertise and experience and a demonstrated ability to work effectively in a politically sensitive environment to serve as District Master. The District Master will be the technical population data and map expert for the 5-member Redistricting Commission as it redraws City of Seattle Council Districts using 2020 Census data and other relevant data and information.
Based on criteria provided by Commission members and following statutory and Charter requirements, the District Master will draft a redistricting commission report, produce District maps, and provide demographic analysis of the proposed plans. The consultant will be expected to provide explicit description of how principles of racial equity and representation are integrated into the work presented to the Commission. The consultant will be expected to respond impartially to multiple competing requests from Commission members who many have conflicting priorities and goals.
The consultant must be available to commence work on this project by mid-December 2021 and commit through November 2022. Available funding for this contract shall not exceed $60,000.
The consultant is bound to laws and ordinances regarding equal employment opportunity.
Proposals are due on November 17, 2021 by 5:00 pm to the Seattle Redistricting Commission at city_redistricting@seattle.gov.
For additional details and the RFP packet, visit the Consultant Connection.
Questions about the RFP can be submitted between November 3-9 at https://seattle.surveymonkey.com/r/56PWYXT.
For more information about the Seattle Redistricting Commission, visit http://www.seattle.gov/redistricting.