The challenges of the past two years have changed the way we live, the way we work, and the way we show up for each other. They have also given us a rare chance to collectively reimagine our future. Through the Reimagine Seattle Storytelling Project we invite community members to reflect on their current experiences in Seattle, how they have been impacted by recent events, and their hopes for the future of our city.
What Does Justice Demand of Us
words and art by Eileen Jimenez

This piece was created by hand-carving and hand-printing linoleum and was finished digitally. It was inspired by reflections I have had about justice; what justice is and what justice demands of us. More and more, I am understanding how justice is not something any person or system can give us. It is something we create and nurture for each other in community and connection. Justice will not come from neat systems or processes. As a community, it is our responsibility to ensure we are able to move toward liberation through community care.