$2.3 million available to community-initiated projects working to advance food equity
Community-based organizations working to create an equitable and sustainable local food system in Seattle are encouraged to apply for the City of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund by March 15, 2023. The Food Equity Fund supports work led by those most impacted by food and health inequities: Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), immigrants, refugees, people with low incomes, youth, and elders. Eligible proposals can involve growing, sourcing, preparing, learning about, or distributing food, and/or managing food waste.
Funded by the Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT), the Food Equity Fund was developed in 2021 in response to recommendations from the Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) Community Advisory Board, a board composed of eleven members committed to centering the communities most impacted by health and economic inequities when advising the City on programs and services supported by SBT revenue.
Since launching applications in 2022, the Food Equity Fund has received more than $10.5 million in requests and granted $3.8 million in awards to 41 community-driven projects. Recent grantees include Chief Seattle Club’s ʔálʔal Café, Cultivate South Park, Black Farmers Collective, Cham Refugees Community, Villa Comunitaria, and many more.
Apply for Funding
In 2023, approximately $2.3 million in funding will be available for community-led work that contributes to an equitable and sustainable local food system. Examples of eligible project ideas include:
- Capital projects or physical improvements such as a new greenhouse, farm irrigation, and/or commercial kitchen
- Coalition-building to advance food justice & food sovereignty
- Community organizing
- Capacity-building
- Elders/seniors-focused programs
- Food distribution
- Food justice leadership development
- Food pantry & meal services
- Food production such as gardening or farming
- Food-related job training
- Activities that advance economic opportunities in the food system
- Storytelling & cultural preservation and/or education
- Youth-focused programs
- And many more
There are two funding opportunities within the Food Equity Fund:
- Food Equity Fund General Grants have a maximum award amount of $100,000. Applications will be open January 25 – March 15, 2023.
- Food Equity Fund Capacity Building Grants will have a maximum award amount of $20,000. Applications for this grant will be accepted on a rolling basis beginning April 3, 2023.
For more information or to begin your application visit seattle.gov/food-equity-fund.
Engagement Opportunities
To ensure equitable engagement and to help community leaders get information, fine-tune project ideas, and submit strong applications, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) staff are offering a variety of engagement opportunities. Community members can:
- Join a virtual information session. Attendees can listen to a short presentation about the application process and ask questions. Interpretation is available with one week’s notice. RSVP at https://forms.office.com/g/ic7QGLtKgL.
- Thursday, February 2, 10am – 11am
- Join online: Food Equity Fund Info Session #1
- Join by phone: (206) 207-1700, Access Code 2480 841 6402
- Thursday, February 9, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
- Join online: Food Equity Fund Info Session #2
- Join by phone: (206) 207-1700, Access code: 2491 284 9167
- Tuesday, February 21, 1pm – 2pm
- Join online: Food Equity Fund Info Session #3
- Join by phone: (206) 207-1700, Access code: 2486 277 8200
- Get technical assistance via virtual office hours. Join online at https://bit.ly/FEFInfo or by phone at +1-206-207-1700, ACCESS CODE: 146 253 1431.
- Wednesday, February 15, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- Thursday, February 23, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- Thursday, March 2, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- Speak directly with program staff. Ask questions about the application or discuss proposal ideas with a Food Equity Fund project manager.
- Email foodequityfund@seattle.gov or call 206-727-FOOD (3663) to schedule a one-on-one virtual or in-person meeting with a Food Equity Fund project manager.
Grant Review Process
All applications will be reviewed by a Food Equity Fund Grant Review Panel made up of local community leaders with expertise in racial equity, food justice, and health inequities. The application review process will take place in April and May 2023 with notifications of awards in June 2023.
Information, resources, and applications are available at seattle.gov/food-equity-fund.
To speak with Food Equity Fund program staff, please call (206) 727 – FOOD (3663) or send an email to foodequityfund@seattle.gov.