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Posts categorized under Boards and Commissions Archives - Page 2 of 29 - Front Porch

City of Seattle shares progress on enhanced diplomacy commitments one year after historic Tribal Nations Summit

A new report has been released detailing progress on commitments made at the first Tribal Nations Summit held in May 2023. This historic gathering of Tribal and City leaders sought to identify actions and desired outcomes that uphold the sovereignty and treaty rights of federally recognized Tribes and to build partnerships,… [ Keep reading ]

Update: Notice of runoff for Ballard Avenue Landmark District annual board member election

The annual election for the Ballard Avenue Landmark District (BLD) Board was held by mail with a ballot deadline of June 25, 2024.  Two positions were up for election.  The results are as follows: In accordance with the Election Procedures for the BLD Board, a runoff election will be held. … [ Keep reading ]

Landmarks Preservation Board to consider nomination of University Way Apartments

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider the nomination of University Way Apartments Office located at 4750 University Way NE at its meeting on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.  The nomination will be posted on the Department of Neighborhoods website under the heading of “Current Nominations.” The nomination is also linked to the… [ Keep reading ]

Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board Announces Candidates for Annual Election

The Ballard Avenue Landmark District (BLD) Board is holding its annual election of board members. Community members who are registered for this election will receive a ballot and self-addressed stamped envelope by mail. Physical ballots must be received by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods by Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Voters are encouraged to… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle seeks community members to serve on the Community Involvement Commission

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is currently recruiting to fill seven vacancies on the Community Involvement Commission (CIC). Current vacancies include four City Council-appointed positions for Council Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, one at-large position, and one commission-selected position. The Community Involvement Commission advises the Seattle Department of… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Harrell seeks new member for International Special Review District Board

Mayor Bruce Harrell invites community members to apply for an open position on the International Special Review District Board. An elected position (Position #1 – Business Owner, Property Owner, or Employee) has become vacant and in accordance with the Board’s Rules and Procedures, will be filled through a Mayoral appointment…. [ Keep reading ]

Northwest Native Artist and Carver creates imagery for Indigenous Advisory Council

The Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC), which was formed in 2022, just celebrated their first full year of collaboration. This year, they collaborated with the Office of Intergovernmental Relations to host the first Tribal Nations Summit, which resulted in plans and actions including those that further their mission to be a… [ Keep reading ]

Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board Notice of Election

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) Historic Preservation Program conducts an annual election for the selection of Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board members who have been nominated by the community. All residents, persons who operate businesses, and property owners in the Ballard Avenue Landmark District, who have registered to vote… [ Keep reading ]

Landmarks Preservation Board to Consider Nomination of U.S. Immigrant Station and Assay Office 

Seattle’s Landmarks Preservation Board will consider the nomination of U.S. Immigrant Station and Assay Office located at 815 Seattle Boulevard S at its meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. The nomination will be posted on the Department of Neighborhoods website under the heading of “Current Nominations.” The… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Youth Commission Now Accepting Applications

Teens ages 13-19 address issues important to youth The City of Seattle is now accepting applications for the Seattle Youth Commission (SYC), a 15-member commission of ages 13-19 that addresses issues of importance to youth. Appointed by the Mayor and Seattle City Council, youth serving on this commission work with… [ Keep reading ]