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Reimagine Seattle: Takiyah Ward

I remember my morning drive to Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School. We would always take the “Lake Way” known to most as Lake Washington Blvd. On those morning drives, I would study architecture. I would study the houses that lined the Boulevard and anticipate my favorites. I loathed mornings…. [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Kathy Nguyen

Kathy Nguyễn is a second-gen Việt American, just trying to hang out with her dog and figure out how to infuse joy and care into the spaces she occupies. She is committed to learning more about movements of liberation and how to build solidarity and coalition with others. Her approach… [ Keep reading ]

Food Equity Fund Grantee Clean Greens Farm and Market Brings “Produce to the People”

Founded in 2007, Clean Greens Farm and Market is a small nonprofit organization established by Black Dollar Days Task Force to provide education around food justice and healthy eating and to grow and supply fresh produce at affordable prices to low-income families. They also organize a youth program that gives… [ Keep reading ]

Amplify Acts of Kindness: Submit a Nomination for Neighbor Day 2022

Over the past two years, topics like infection rates and disease virality have dominated more casual conversations than most of us could have ever imagined possible. However, something else has swept through our communities that we think deserves some widespread attention: generosity. Throughout the hardships and heartaches, we have witnessed… [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Cleopatra Cutler

How to Tell if Someone Is Really From Seattle by Cleopatra Cutler When I was growing up in West Seattle in the 90s, the topic of “from here” was on the tip of everyone’s tongue. “Are you really from Seattle?” Six-year-olds would narrow their eyes and carefully weigh the evidence…. [ Keep reading ]

Share your stories through Seattle Histories

Español // Tiếng Việt // Tagalog // 繁體中文 // af Soomali Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is looking to commission individual community members to participate in a storytelling project called Seattle Histories. This series features the stories of people and places that have shaped Seattle’s past and led us to the… [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Brian Dang

prayer as a walk through Ravenna in the Winter by Brian Dang this city is notorious for the dark it’s true winter is a funeral for color we’ve all seen the chart:the grey. … [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Aleyda Cervantes

If I had to reimagine Seattle, I would have to think about the land first. I would have to think about the first nation people who have protected and taken care of the land. Below all the pavement, below all the construction and tall buildings, there are all these stories…. [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Evelyn Chow

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” Arundhati Roy “Are you sure, sweetheart, that you want to be well?… Just so’s you’re sure, sweetheart, and ready to be healed, cause wholeness is no trifling matter. A lot… [ Keep reading ]

Reimagine Seattle: Ching-In Chen

Breaths for Seattle after Tiana Nobile by Ching-In Chen in spite of gray days where sun gone missing in spite of burning-down rage and lonely ashes which haven’t yet re-constituted lives pushed out and spread thin I stay even though I’m hiding from cold wind breath even though your cross-day… [ Keep reading ]