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Community Volunteers Spruce up the U-District

by Jenny Frankl, North Region Neighborhood District Coordinator It was a gorgeous, sunny Saturday for the 20th annual “U-District Community Clean-Up” on May 11th, 2013.  Over 140 U-District neighbors – including students, families, churches, local businesses, community groups, youth groups, and non-profits – came together to give the U-District that extra… [ Keep reading ]

Belltown activists learn the ABCD’s of Community Empowerment!

This article tells the story of how Belltown activists brought the neighborhood together to learn ways to engage the community, build a common vision, and develop partnerships to improve the neighborhood. A group of neighborhood activists in Belltown felt that their community was full of resources and strengths, but that… [ Keep reading ]

Volunteers needed for American Community Gardening Association Annual Conference

Want to participate in the American Community Gardening Association conference coming to Seattle this August? It is a BIG year for our local gardening programs with the 40th anniversary of the P-Patch Community Gardening program and 35th anniversaries for the Master Gardener program in King County and for Seattle Tilth!… [ Keep reading ]

Is your neighborhood in need of some minor enhancements? You should consider applying for the Neighborhood Park & Street Fund – Deadline is February 4!

It could be a marked crosswalk, a curb ramp, a short-stretch of sidewalk, sidewalk repair, curb bulbs, pedestrian countdown signals, a median island, or a traffic circle.  Or maybe your neighborhood park could use some playground improvements, trail upgrades, tennis or basketball court repaving, park benches or tables, or accessibility… [ Keep reading ]

Deadline extended for submission to serve on the International Special Review District Board (ISRD)

The deadline for submission of a cover letter and resume for one of two Mayoral appointee seats on the ISRD Board has been extended through Jan. 4th. We are seeking individuals who are architects and who have an interest in historic preservation and/or familiarity with the Chinatown/International District. If you… [ Keep reading ]

Watch the PACE graduation ceremony on the Seattle Channel!

Click here to view.  Viewing times on the Seattle Channel are: Wednesday, November 07, 2012  6:30 a.m.   Saturday, November 10, 2012  3:30 a.m.   Sunday, November 11, 2012  4:30 p.m.

Celebration held for graduates of People’s Academy for Community Engagement

On Thursday October 25th, 28 up-and-coming community leaders celebrated their graduation from the People’s Academy for Community Engagement, a program of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Known as PACE, the 7-month program provides leadership training in community involvement, empowerment, and civic engagement to emerging leaders interested in serving their community. More… [ Keep reading ]

Help students succeed in school at neighborhood libraries!

The Seattle Public Library is seeking volunteers to assist students in grades 1–12 with homework assignments in English, history, mathematics, science, social studies and other subjects on a drop-in basis. Volunteers are especially needed at the Beacon Hill, Delridge, Columbia, High Point, NewHolly and Rainier Beach branches. Volunteers must have… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood District Coordinator cuts ribbon at Neighborhood Matching Fund supported McDonald International School event

Neighborhood District Coordinator, Thomas Whittemore, represented the Department of Neighborhoods at the reopening of the McDonald International School building following a major renovation, cutting the ribbon with Seattle Public Schools representatives, Board members, design and construction folks and community members.  The new play area was funded through the Neighborhood Matching Fund, and supported… [ Keep reading ]

Beacon Food Forest’s Ground Making Day this Saturday

Bring your gloves and the strength to regenerate your public land into a Food Forest for all.  The Beacon Food Forest is located on the SW Corner of Jefferson Park. Dakota St. and 15th Ave S.  Food and drink will be provided by Tom Douglas Co., La Panzanella and others…. [ Keep reading ]