On November 16, the University District celebrated the opening of new adult fitness equipment at the University Playfield. This Neighborhood Matching Fund project received a Small and Simple award for $20,000 and it was matched by close to $12,000 in community cash, donated services, donated materials, and $7,000 worth of volunteer labor. One of the project’s board members wrote about the celebration and shares his photos.
Neighbors interested in activating this lovely park landed a matching grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Numerous generous business and individual donors offered cash, and countless neighbor volunteer hours provided the support needed to see this bright spot come to fruition. Seattle Parks helped acquire and install the equipment.
Thank you from all of us neighbors and friends for the thoughtful and generous donations of cash, volunteer hours rallying support and juggling logistics, and guidance from Seattle Dept of Neighborhoods and Seattle Parks. Together we have made a difference. This is our community and it just got a little bit better.
Have a look. Take the equipment for a spin! We hope to see you out here.
Photos: http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/33617978_wv7Q47
Matt (on behalf of the many community members who did the real work to make this happen)