As Neighborhood Matching Fund starts another cycle of offering community grants, we are reflecting on the highlights from 2018. Seattle communities are bursting with good ideas and putting in the hard work to make those dreams a reality with support from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. You don’t have to be a seasoned community organizer to receive grant money. In fact, the Neighborhood Matching Fund is intentional about supporting new applicants and the 2018 awardee list shows that 48% of grant recipients were first-time applicants. The projects chosen during the last year also reflect the program’s emphasis on putting race and equity at the center of all we do. Read the report to see summary statistics, stories, and photos highlighting some of the 2018 Small Sparks and Community Partnership Fund Projects.
Interested in applying for funding for your community idea? Neighborhood Matching Fund Workshops are coming up. Click here to find out dates and more information.