By Stacy Nguyen, journalist, designer, and community member
Seattle Chinatown Block Watch is based on the idea that neighbors working together is one of the best ways to build up safety.
Run by volunteers, many of whom are seniors who live or have roots in the Chinatown International District (CID) neighborhood, this community group helps build a greater sense of safety in the neighborhood. Of course, many of their activities reflect their namesake, from regularly organizing volunteers to patrol the neighborhood during the evening hours and sharing safety incidents that occur through their Facebook page (in English and Chinese!) along with any pertinent follow-ups — this group is also a pillar in the CID in terms of community-building. They share neighborhood events around safety like Seattle Police Department’s Coffee with Cops conservation series and self-defense workshops for seniors as well as people of all ages, and they also promote and take part in celebrations such as a local Memorial Day remembrance.

Seattle Chinatown Block Watch says that what they are doing extends to what we are probably all already doing on an informal basis. We all tend to naturally connect with and watch out for the people who live around us! The reason Seattle Chinatown Block Watch decided to make this caring rather deliberate and routine, though, is because often neighbors on one end of a block may not know the goings-on of what is happening on the other side of the block. Chinatown Block Watch formed with the idea of: What if we did know? What if we created systems and procedures so that we are all safer?
Many of the folks that volunteer with Seattle Chinatown Block Watch have been doing so for years — maybe have been promoting safety in the neighborhood for decades—but in 2021 alone, Seattle Chinatown Block Watch was particularly active. Volunteers of up to a dozen walked or drove around the CID for at least an hour, two to three each week. They also offered chaperone services to seniors, set up safety awareness activities in neighborhood parks, celebrated holidays through their walks, held volunteer appreciation dinners at local businesses, and provided interpretation services between victims and police (which included helping people fill out police reports), and generally promoting more good will and trust between CID residents and police officers.
How to give Chinatown Block Watch some love
Follow them on Facebook!
Seattle Chinatown Block Watch’s Facebook page is poppin’, with updates at least once a day, if not multiple times a day. Keep in the know about activities in the CID by following them and sharing pertinent posts of theirs.
Volunteer with Seattle Chinatown Block Watch
Seattle Chinatown Block Watch is always looking for volunteers interested in joining their evening patrols. You can connect with them through text message, email, or Facebook DM.
This blog is part of our Support Your Neighbors in the CID series, which spotlights amazing folks in the Chinatown International District, nominated by their neighbors for doing cool and impactful work around community safety.
西雅图华埠邻里守望计划(Seattle Chinatown Block Watch)的理念是基于邻里间共同努力,来建立安全社区的最佳方式之一。
作者:Stacy Nguyen,记者、设计师和社区成员
这个社区组织是由义工运作,其中许多人是在华埠国际区 (CID) 居住或扎根的耆老,有助于在社区中建立更大的安全感。当然,他们的许多活动都显示了他们是同一宗亲堂所,从定期组织义工到晚上社区巡逻员,并通过他们的脸书 (Facebook) 页面,用英文和中文分享发生的安全事件以及任何相关的后续行动——该小组也是华埠在社区建设方面的支柱。他们分享有关安全的邻里活动,例如西雅图警察局的「与警察喝咖啡」保护系列,和针对老年人和所有年龄段的人的自卫研讨班。他们还宣传和参加社区的庆祝活动,例如阵亡将士纪念日的纪念活动等。

西雅图华埠邻里守望计划人士表示,他们正在做的事情延伸到我们可能都在非正式的基础上已经做的事情。我们倾向于自然地彼此相互联系并提防在我们周围的人!然而,西雅图华埠邻里守望计划决定让这种关怀变得相当刻意和常规的原因是,街区一端的居民可能不知道街区另一边正在发生的事情。守望计划的想法是:如果我们知道后应该怎么处理呢? 如果我们能创建系统和程序以使我们的社区街头街尾都更安全,那会怎么样呢?
许多在西雅图华埠邻里守望计划做义工的人已经这样做了很多年——也许几十年来一直在促进社区的安全——但仅在 2021 年,邻里守望计划的工作和项目就特别活跃。多达十几名义工在华埠周围步行或开车至少一个小时,每周两到三次的巡察。他们还为老年人提供陪同服务,在社区公园开展安全意识活动,通过步行庆祝节假日,在当地企业举办义工感谢晚宴,并在受害者和警察间提供翻译服务(包括帮助填写警方报告),并且通常会加强华埠居民和警察间更多的善意和信任。
西雅图华埠邻里守望计划一直在寻找有兴趣参加夜间巡逻的义工。您可以通过短信、电子邮件或脸书的直接讯息(Facebook DM) 与他们联系。
该博客是「在华埠国际区中支持您的邻里」(Support Your Neighbors in the CID) 系列的一部份,该系列重点介绍华埠的杰出人士,由于他们在社区安全方面做了出色且有影响力的工作而被邻里提名。
西雅圖華埠鄰里守望計劃(Seattle Chinatown Block Watch)的理念是基於鄰里間共同努力,來建立安全社區的最佳方式之一。
作者:Stacy Nguyen,記者、設計師和社區成員
這個社區組織是由義工運作,其中許多人是在華埠國際區 (CID) 居住或紮根的耆老,有助於在社區中建立更大的安全感。當然,他們的許多活動都顯示了他們是同一宗親堂所,從定期組織義工到晚上社區巡邏員,並通過他們的臉書 (Facebook) 頁面,用英文和中文分享發生的安全事件以及任何相關的後續行動——該小組也是華埠在社區建設方面的支柱。他們分享有關安全的鄰里活動,例如西雅圖警察局的「與警察喝咖啡」保護系列,和針對老年人和所有年齡段的人的自衛研討班。他們還宣傳和參加社區的慶祝活動,例如陣亡將士紀念日的紀念活動等。

西雅圖華埠鄰里守望計劃人士表示,他們正在做的事情延伸到我們可能都在非正式的基礎上已經做的事情。我們傾向於自然地彼此相互聯繫並提防在我們周圍的人!然而,西雅圖華埠鄰里守望計劃決定讓這種關懷變得相當刻意和常規的原因是,街區一端的居民可能不知道街區另一邊正在發生的事情。守望計劃的想法是:如果我們知道後應該怎麼處理呢? 如果我們能創建系統和程序以使我們的社區街頭街尾都更安全,那會怎麽樣呢?
許多在西雅圖華埠鄰里守望計劃做義工的人已經這樣做了很多年——也許幾十年來一直在促進社區的安全——但僅在 2021 年,鄰里守望計劃的工作和項目就特別活躍。多達十幾名義工在華埠周圍步行或開車至少一個小時,每週兩到三次的巡察。他們還為老年人提供陪同服務,在社區公園開展安全意識活動,通過步行慶祝節假日,在當地企業舉辦義工感謝晚宴,並在受害者和警察間提供翻譯服務(包括幫助填寫警方報告),並且通常會加強華埠居民和警察間更多的善意和信任。
西雅圖華埠鄰里守望計劃一直在尋找有興趣參加夜間巡邏的義工。您可以通過短信、電子郵件或臉書的直接訊息(Facebook DM) 與他們聯繫。
該博客是「在華埠國際區中支持您的鄰里」(Support Your Neighbors in the CID) 系列的一部份,該系列重點介紹華埠的傑出人士,由於他們在社區安全方面做了出色且有影響力的工作而被鄰里提名。