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Posts tagged with Seattle Renters' Commission Archives - Front Porch

Seattle Renters’ Commission seeks community members to serve on the Seattle Social Housing Developer Board

The Seattle Renters’ Commission is seeking community members to serve on the board for the newly established Seattle Social Housing Developer, a Public Development Authority (PDA) responsible for developing, owning, and maintaining social housing in Seattle. The Seattle Social Housing Developer was established with the passage of Initiative 135, a… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle seeks community members to serve on the Seattle Renters’ Commission

Updated: May 4, 2021 Application deadline extended to May 31, 2021. The City of Seattle is seeking community members to serve on the Seattle Renters’ Commission (SRC). The Seattle Renters’ Commission advises the City on policies and issues of interest to renters citywide. The Commission is composed of 15 members… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission Urges City of Seattle to Pass Ordinance Removing Practice of Credit Checks for Rental Applications

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement advocating for the City of Seattle to enact an ordinance which would remove the practice of credit checks for rental applications. Excerpts from letter: “Removing credit checks from apartment applications can level the playing fields between the “Haves” and “Have Nots.” This… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission issues statement endorsing Cancel Rent and Mortgages WA movement

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement endorsing Cancel Rent and Mortgages WA, part of a national movement calling for the cancelation of rent, mortgages, utilities and all related debt for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. Excerpts from letter: “Failure to cancel rent and mortgages in Washington increases… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission issues statement in response to recent actions of Seattle Police Department

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement regarding the recent actions of the Seattle Police Department. The commission is urging the City of Seattle to pursue structural changes to policing and reallocate funding to community and health programs. Excerpt from letter: “Police aggression is targeted at Black people and other… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission supports Transit Riders’ Union ORCA for All Campaign

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement in support of the Transit Riders’ Union ORCA for All campaign which envisions a near future when every resident and every worker in Seattle and King County has an unlimited transit pass in hand. Excerpts from letter: “The Seattle Renters’ Commission supports… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission urges City of Seattle to enact eviction forgiveness measures

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement urging the City of Seattle to enact eviction forgiveness measures that will prohibit the use of eviction records older than 3 years when determining eligibility for housing and seal all eviction records after 7 years. Excerpts from letter: “Poor families, immigrants, people of… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission urges City of Seattle to pass an emergency moratorium on evictions during winter

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement urging the City of Seattle to pause all evictions of renters immediately and to continue a moratorium on evictions through the end of winter. They also urge the City to immediately open all emergency winter shelters for neighbors already living outside. Excerpts from… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission urges City of Seattle to pass ADU reform

Members of the Seattle Renters’ Commission have issued a statement urging the City of Seattle to make it easier to construct accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and to further use ADUs to fight the affordability and displacement crisis. As stated in their letter to Mayor Durkan and Seattle City Council: Our affordability and displacement… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Renters’ Commission urges City of Seattle to take action on two issues affecting renters

The Seattle Renters’ Commission has recently issued statements urging the City of Seattle to act on two issues affecting renters: In line with their 2015 resolution, Seattle City Council and Mayor Durkan are urged to affirm their support of a repeal of the Statewide rent control ban; and once state… [ Keep reading ]