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Posts tagged with Indigenous Stories Archives - Front Porch

National Civic Review Highlights Seattle’s Commitment to Tribal and Urban Native Engagement

The Fall 2024 edition of the National Civic Review features an article titled “More Than a Land Acknowledgement: Authentic Tribal and Urban Native Engagement,” which highlights the work of the City of Seattle’s Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC) and Francesca Murnan, the Department of Neighborhoods IAC Liaison. The article highlights Seattle’s… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle shares progress on enhanced diplomacy commitments one year after historic Tribal Nations Summit

A new report has been released detailing progress on commitments made at the first Tribal Nations Summit held in May 2023. This historic gathering of Tribal and City leaders sought to identify actions and desired outcomes that uphold the sovereignty and treaty rights of federally recognized Tribes and to build partnerships,… [ Keep reading ]

Northwest Native Artist and Carver creates imagery for Indigenous Advisory Council

The Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC), which was formed in 2022, just celebrated their first full year of collaboration. This year, they collaborated with the Office of Intergovernmental Relations to host the first Tribal Nations Summit, which resulted in plans and actions including those that further their mission to be a… [ Keep reading ]

Land Back, Fish Back

by Rena Priest Welcome to Indian Country Where is Indian Country? It’s everywhere we stand. It’s anywhere we dance. It’s where the earth loves the feel of our feet. Welcome to Indian Country. What does that mean? It means this is where we lift our voice in song and make… [ Keep reading ]

landback 4 dummies

“Land Back? What does it mean? Is it the new organic, locally sourced, farm to table vegan kombucha? Is it perhaps some sort of small-pitted fruit you got in the Fremont farmers market? Find out as famed Anti-Intellectual, Intellectual Howie Echo-Hawk shares their middling diatribe and wandering, miscellaneous thoughts on… [ Keep reading ]

How Gumbo took the Land Back

by Christopher Rachal When I think of Land Back I think of my Ancestors. I try to remember them each day. How they came together in the midst of war, slavery, genocide. Things we don’t like to think about somehow bound them together. All that grief spilling off that Trail… [ Keep reading ]

Land Back from Turtle Island to Palestine

by Luna Reyna Indigenous people telling our own stories is healing for past, present, and future generations—of both Native and non-Natives. Expressing the conditions of an unjust society and facilitating healing is vital for true liberation, not just Native liberation, but for all people impacted by systems of white supremacy…. [ Keep reading ]

Beacon Food Forest Helps Family Maintain Connection to Agricultural Roots of Mam Culture

English version Recientemente hablabamos con Nazario y Everilda, horticultores del huerto comunitario de Beacon Food Forest P-Patch, para aprender más sobre la cultura Mam, su infancia en Guatemala y su arraigada conexión con el cultivo de los alimentos. Everilda y Nazario están orgullosos de ser parte de la gente Mam,… [ Keep reading ]

Familial Love and Brilliance in Native Designs

Familial Love and Brilliance in Native Designs by Megan McDermott I’m a mixed-Native woman enrolled with the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe of Montana. I consider myself raised by my maternal grandmother, who was enrolled in the Blackfeet tribe of Browning, Montana, and my mother who is enrolled in Little Shell… [ Keep reading ]

‘Pochashsquinest’ Ron Kanim Enick: Native American Heritage Month

by Ron Kanim Enick wiʔaac Hello, as we all pause to remember and acknowledge Native American Heritage Month, let us not forget to pray, for the Creator’s authority, sovereignty, and power throughout the nation. All things are sacred, and all we have belongs to GOD, and we are all under… [ Keep reading ]