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City of Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Fund Invests $1,012,644 in 25 Community-led Projects

The City of Seattle has awarded $1,012,644 to support 25 community-initiated projects through Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF). Twenty-five community groups received awards ranging from $13,535 to $50,000 and have pledged $889,749 to match their award through local cash donations, volunteer hours, donated materials, and in-kind professional… [ Keep reading ]

2023 Community Wealth Building Pilots: A Small Business Incubator for Latinx Creatives

This article was written by Laura Nash and People’s Economy Lab and originally published at It is republished here with permission from People’s Economy Lab. José Manuel Vasquez grew up in South Park, the son of entrepreneurs. His parents owned a video store and sandwich shop that served as… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund now accepting proposals for Capacity Building Grants

Applications for the City of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund Capacity Building Grants are now open. Community organizations working to create an equitable and sustainable local food system in Seattle and have an annual budget of less than $500,000 are encouraged to apply. The Food Equity Fund supports work led by… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund now accepting proposals

$2.3 million available to community-initiated projects working to advance food equity Community-based organizations working to create an equitable and sustainable local food system in Seattle are encouraged to apply for the City of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund by March 15, 2023. The Food Equity Fund supports work led by those… [ Keep reading ]

Community Engagement Coordinators Center Trust Building, Elevate Community Voices in Local Government

For local government to effectively serve the community, trust is essential. At the Department of Neighborhoods, we know that community trust in government isn’t inherent, nor should it be. Trust is something that should be earned by walking the talk, acknowledging a role in historical injustices, and actively working to… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood Matching Fund announces 2023 funding opportunities for community centered projects

Fund supports community-building projects in Seattle’s neighborhoods Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) announces its 2023 funding programs. Its two funds – the Small Sparks Fund and the Community Partnership Fund – support grassroots projects that build stronger communities, with an emphasis on projects led by or impacting… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood Matching Fund Invests $849,711 in 20 Community-Led Projects

The City of Seattle has awarded $849,711 to support 20 community-initiated projects through the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF). Twenty community groups received awards ranging from $18,700 to $50,000 and have pledged $710,588 to match their award through local cash donations, volunteer hours, donated materials, and in-kind… [ Keep reading ]

Food Equity Fund now accepting proposals for funding

Funds available to support community-initiated projects working to advance food equity Community-based organizations working to address food education, access, and security in Seattle are encouraged to apply for Tier Two of the City of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund by April 30, 2022. This new grant program prioritizes projects led by… [ Keep reading ]

Support Your Neighbors in the CID!

支持您的邻里!支持您的鄰居! Hỗ Trợ Những Người Sống Quanh Qúy Vị! Community safety is one of the City of Seattle’s top priorities for the Chinatown International District (CID). In a year where we have witnessed a surge in violence targeting the Asian American community, the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods would like to offer additional financial support to the organizations, community groups, and individuals who have stepped up… [ Keep reading ]

Community Liaison Rocio Briones talks about how to support Latinx businesses

Though Seattle may seem like a highly connected city, some of our most vulnerable residents lack consistent access to computers, smart phones, and reliable internet. To amplify and understand the needs of these residents, Community Liaisons partnered with members of the City of Seattle’s Internet for All Working Group to… [ Keep reading ]