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P-Patch community garden plots available in select neighborhoods

Would you like to have a plot in one of Seattle’s fabulous P-Patch community gardens? Do you want to grow fresh organic produce for yourself and your family? Would you like to learn great gardening techniques from your gardening neighbors? If so, we have P-Patch plots available for a small… [ Keep reading ]

Robyn Greenfield joins P-Patch Community Gardening team

Robyn Greenfield is a recent addition to our P-Patch Community Gardening team. She is currently serving as a temporary community garden coordinator, supporting P-Patch gardens in the central area and North Seattle with training and resources. Get to know a little bit about her below: Where did you grow up?… [ Keep reading ]

More than 17 tons of food donated by P-Patch gardeners in 2018

Did you know that P-Patch Community Gardens not only provide space for people to grow their own food but also grow food to share with food banks and feeding programs across the city? In 2018, P-Patch gardeners donated 34,163 pounds (more than 17 tons) of fresh organic produce to more… [ Keep reading ]

Hey Neighbor: Meet Lisa Uemoto

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Hey Neighbor! series introduces you to the people behind the scenes working to build, strengthen, and engage the communities of Seattle. Meet Lisa Uemoto Lisa Uemoto has been a P-Patch Community Garden Coordinator with the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods since 2015. She emigrated with her family from… [ Keep reading ]

Hey Neighbor: Meet Sandy Pernitz

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Hey Neighbor! series introduces you to the people behind the scenes working to build, strengthen, and engage the communities of Seattle. Meet Sandy Pernitz! Sandy Pernitz has been working on the Seattle P-Patch Community Gardening Program team for the past 20 years. She graduated from Huxley School… [ Keep reading ]

Help us celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the P-Patch Community Gardening Program

As many of you know, the P-Patch Community Gardening Program turns 45 this year! We’d like you to help us celebrate this anniversary by sharing your love for the P-Patch program on social media. We could go on and on about the successes of this program and why we think… [ Keep reading ]

High Point and NewHolly Farm Stands open this week

Gardeners offer fresh, affordable organic produce! For organic produce look no further than the High Point and NewHolly Farm Stands opening for the season beginning on Friday. The farm stands offer produce picked fresh from the P-Patch Market Gardens and grown by low-income residents of the High Point and NewHolly… [ Keep reading ]

Join our P-Patch Community Gardening Program – plots still available in select neighborhoods

Are you looking to garden but don’t have the yard space to build your own? Join our P-Patch Community Gardening Program! We still have plots available in several of our P-Patches throughout the city! With your own P-Patch plot, you can grow fresh organic produce for yourself and your family while… [ Keep reading ]

Emergency Planning Grants Awarded to 15 Community Groups

In partnership with the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is funding 15 community groups throughout the City in support of Community Emergency Hubs and the creation or updating of their own Hub-in-a-Box. Funding this year prioritized new, first-time hubs where ones do not currently exist…. [ Keep reading ]

P-Patch Community Garden plots available in select neighborhoods

Do you want to grow fresh organic produce for yourself and your family while also supporting your community and learning gardening techniques from your neighbors? Now’s your chance! We have P-Patch plots available in several of our community gardens throughout the City! Most plots are 100 square feet and cost… [ Keep reading ]